About Us

<p>Action for Conservation (AFC) is a UK grassroots charity using pioneering approaches to inspire and empower young people from diverse backgrounds, between the ages of 12 and 24, to become the next generation of environmental leaders. We are at a critical moment in our earth’s history, and it’s never been more important to empower every young person to fight for their future, the future of the planet and to build a youth movement committed to the earth. You can read more about who we are and our work in our new <a href="https://www.actionforconservation.org/_files/ugd/58792b_04aecc3fad744f40814d12770b2c1c13.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"><u><strong>Five-year Strategy (2023-2027)</strong></u></a>.</p>

<p><strong>Our vision</strong></p>

<p>Every young person in the UK is moved and empowered to protect and restore the living world.</p>

<p><strong>Our mission</strong></p>

<p>To bring the magic of nature into young people’s lives, inspiring a youth movement committed to conservation, restoration and to the Earth.<br></p>

<p><strong>Our values<br></strong></p>

<p>Diversity. Wonder. Hope. Action. Change.<br></p>